Nombre | Global Editors Network (GEN) |
Objetivos/ Descripción |
The Global Editors Network(GEN) is an international association of over 6,000 editors-in-chief and media executives with the mission of fostering digital innovation in newsrooms all over the world. GEN has three main programmes: Editors Lab, the Data Journalism Awards, Startups for News, as well as Data Journalism Den (The Den), an upcoming hub for the international data journalism community. The organisation’s flagship event, the GEN Summit, gathers over 750 participants from 70 countries. They are committed to media innovation and sustainable journalism, empowering newsrooms through a variety of programmes designed to inspire, connect and share. Our online community allows media innovators from around the world to interact and collaborate on projects created through our programmes. The Global Editors Network Board Members support this mission and have signed the GEN Manifesto. They are driven by a journalistic imperative and a common goal: Content and Engagement First. To that end, they support all kinds of organisations and media outlets, to define a vision for the future of journalism and enhance its quality through innovation and cooperation. Freedom of information and independence of the news media are, and will remain, the main credo of the Global Editors Network and they will back all efforts to enhance press freedom worldwide. |
Secciones/ Aspectos destacados |
The Data Journalism Awards are the first international awards recognising outstanding work in the field of data journalism worldwide. The Global Editors Network Editors Lab programme is a worldwide series of hackathons hosted by leading news organisations such as BBC, The Huffington Post and El País. Editors Lab brings together developers, journalists and designers from top newsrooms to build news prototypes during an intensive two-day competition. Startups for News is an international competition that rewards the best startups bringing novel solutions to newsroom challenges. Each year, the Global Editors Network, in partnership with Journalism.co.uk, selects early-stage startups providing innovative products or services to media companies and accelerates their development through exposure, connections, and mentorship. The Data Journalism, The Den, is a global hub by the Global Editors Network, dedicated to serving the international data journalism community through the collaborative exchange of data, tools, and resources. The Den is open to all journalists, developers, designers, and organisations committed to the practice and development of data journalism. It is completely free. The GEN Summit is an annual conference bringing together the leading minds of the media industry to discuss the future of news. Since the inception in 2011, they have had the pleasure of listening to the opinions of Julian Assange (Wikileaks), Shafqat Islam (Newscred), Roy Sekoff (Huffington Post), Cory Haik (The Washington Post), Andy Carvin (First Look Media) and many more… |
Redes Sociales |
Revisión | Junio 2018 |
Global Editors Network es una organización no gubernamental y sin fines de lucro, presidida por Peter Bale. Los miembros del Consejo de Administración provienen de los más grandes medios de comunicación del mundo o de los más innovadores: BBC, Le Monde, CNN, El País, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Guardian, India Today, MiC, News Deeply etc.
Global Editors Network cuenta con una gran comunidad de profesionales apasionados por la innovación que tiene como lema: inspirar, conectar y compartir. Una de las secciones más interesantes es la dedicada a Innovación que tienen en la plataforma Medium donde se pueden leer artículos de profesionales de todo el mundo, especialmente de EEU, que explican experiencias innovadoras que están llevando a cabo en sus medios de comunicación, nuevas tendencias, etc.
Otra sección tan destacada que ha generado, de hecho, una web con una URL propia, es DEN dedicada al periodismo de datos, y que recomendamos vivamente a los interesados en esta especialidad del periodismo. Actualmente en versión beta, probablemente merecerá una entrada aparte a medida que vaya consolidando contenidos.
Otra sección, también con una URL independiente y que merece una revisión es la dedicada a los Data Journalism Award.
Finalmente recomendamos a los interesados en el campo de la innovación en periodismo, suscribir sus dos newsletters: