Interaction and visualization together yield an interesting, fruitful, and promising combination for producing content in digital news media. In an era in which the press no longer exclusively provides the news, interaction and visualization combined in innovative products for the public are powerful value propositions for the media. Together, they are capable of winning readers’ loyalty and engagement, both of which are crucial for the media’s sustainability. In this work, we present a review of the literature and formulate the theoretical bases for this binomial pairing and its main components, which, we argue, should be available to citizens, the interests of whom journalism must defend if it aspires to be viable.
Interactive visualizations; Digital journalism; Cyberjournalism; Online media; InfoVis; Digital media; Interactive documentary; Journalistic innovation; Interactive storytelling
Introduction: the binomial of interaction and visualization, a successful pairing
On 23 March 2020, just a few days after the WHO declared the world Covid-19 pandemic, Navid Mamoon and Gabriel Rasskin, two students from Carnegie Mellon University, launched CovidVisualizer, an interactive visualization application for practically real-time consultation, using a 3D recreation of the globe, of the number of Covid-19 victims and people affected in every country in the world (Figure 1). In just a few weeks it had 70 million users. CovidViualizer is just one of numerous interfaces (Jacob, 2020; Cascón-Katchadourian, 2020; Pérez-Montoro, 2021) that have been created to facilitate understanding and with which to consult the statistical data constantly being recorded about the pandemic.
Its success is the result of its authors’ skill in designing a device that efficiently combines visualization and interaction. Interactivity, in other words, enables users to explore maps and to establish their own visual narrative. The media, national agencies and research centres have used interactive resources to construct a narrative of the epidemic with a focus on the aspects about it that are considered most significant (Danielson, 2020). They have offset biased information (Bowe; Simmons; Mattern, 2020) and used visualizations as models with which to forecast the pandemic’s evolution (Chen et al., 2020), often revealing how hard it is to standardize and to validate sources of information (Ferrer-Sapena et al., 2020).
Pairing interactivity and visualization as a binomial enhances the media’s credibility and increases engagement with users, as it places them at the core of processes of access, dialogue, and relation with data through interfaces (McKenna et al., 2017; Pérez-Montoro; Freixa, 2018).
Thus, for example, in social communication, in contrast with traditional media in which the text of an article of journalism might have told a story using graphs and images to back it up or to endorse what was being narrated, these no longer play such a secondary role in new digital media. Because of their interactive nature, these visual products now occupy a predominant place in telling a story (Pérez-Montoro, 2018). That, at least, is the aspiration of media such as The New York Times, the 2020 targets of which included improving visuals in reports and exploring new dynamics of audience interaction (Leonhardt et al., 2017).
Recognizing the core significance of interaction and visualization in increasingly rich and complex information processes allows for reappraisal of both the practices and the systems that we establish for them to take place. The digital ecosystem has generated its own dynamics that call into question the relationships established among information, what is perceived as narrative, the curation of diverse contents and forms of access, consumption, and participation. It also makes it possible to explore what roles the agents who interact and engage with information should, can or are required to play: journalists, documentalists, information curators, audiences, researchers, informing communities, media, and receiving society (Freixa; Pérez-Montoro; Codina, 2020). Emphasizing the core significance of pairing interaction and visualization also raises questions about how digital text, in a broad sense, is defined, designed, produced, consumed and analysed: multimedia, mutable, modifiable and transmedia.
Use of interactive visualizations in the media has become common practice. They have been consolidated largely be-cause of the standardization both of their formats and of their development, which is a factor that has allowed for a reduction in production costs and more widespread use in newsrooms, as simplification of proces-ses has facilitated their application by edi-tors and journalists who do not have spe-cific training in programming or interaction design.
Source: Editorial of the special issue (Freixa, Pérez-Montoro, Codina 2021)
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The binomial of interaction and visualization in digital news media: consolidation, standardization and future challenges [abstract and download]
Pere Freixa, Mario Pérez-Montoro, Lluís Codina
Artículo traducido al español:
El binomio interacción y visualización en medios digitales: afianzamiento, estandarización y retos de futuro [resumen y enlace de descarga]
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