Alfabetización Transmedia · Conferencia Internacional: Barcelona 22 al 24 de Marzo (UPF)

Programa de la Conferencia Internacional sobre Alfabetización Transmedia

De la web del Congreso Este evento reúne a una comunidad vibrante y global de investigadores e innovadores de medios y educación. La conferencia se organiza como parte de las actividades de difusión de la acción TRANSLITERACY H2020, un proyecto que involucra a investigadores de Europa, América Latina y Australia.

Más allá de las sesiones de trabajo y las conferencias magistrales, la Conferencia Internacional de Alfabetización Transmedia (Transmedia Literacy International Conference) incluirá talleres y breves presentaciones de líderes en innovación educativa.

El objetivo principal de la conferencia es compartir resultados y prácticas de investigación en torno a los siguientes temas:

  • Transmedia literacy (Alfabetización transmedia)
  • Transmedia education (Educación transmedia)
  • Transmedia skills and informal learning strategies (Habilidades transmedia y estrategias de aprendizaje informal)
  • Media literacy (La alfabetización mediática)
  • Educommunication (Educomunicación)
  • Student-generated contents (Contenidos generados por los estudiantes)
  • Collaborative cultures and education (Culturas colaborativas y educación)
  • Fan cultures and education (Culturas de fan y educación)

Transmedia Literacy International Conference se celebrará en el Campus de la Comunicación de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, y contará con una serie de talleres para profesores, así como dos días de sesiones de papel y un evento especial sobre Transmedia Literacy. 

(Este evento ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención nº 645238)

La inscripción es gratuita y estará disponible desde el 15 de febrero en la web del congreso

Oradores principales


Thursday 22, March




Institutional inauguration






Dialogue between Divina Frau-Meigs (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France) and David Buckingham (University of Loughborough, UK): The new challenges to media literacy: fake news, post-truth and data privacy





Paper Session P1 – Transmedia skills & Participatory Cultures

An ecological approach to media practices: the case of Spanish-language booktubers in social media – JOSÉ M. TOMASENA – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain)

Peruvian Youtubers and the video creation process: Evidence of transmedia competences in action – LAURA LEÓN – Universidad de Lima (Perú)

Tamers of the Wild: Fans’ Online Literacy and Amateur Translation – LETICIA TIAN ZHANG, BORIS VÁZQUEZ-CALVO, MARIONA PASCUAL – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain), Leticia Tian Zhang, Boris Vázquez-Calvo, Mariona Pascual. Universitat Pompeu Fabr –  Barcelona (Spain), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Best-sellers of young reading: Appropiation and transmedia practices concerning written popular fiction – NÉSTOR DAVID POLO. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)

Collaborative and informal learning in a brony fandom – LIUDMILA SHAFIROVA, DANIEL CASSANY – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain)

Web series and their reinvention of classical literature: Analysing The Lizzie Bennet Diaries based on Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice – PAULA ORRITE – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain)


Paper Session P2 – Experiences: Production & Education

Creative communication and transcultural aesthetics: building cross-cultural understanding in Europe via transmedia arts – LORA MARKOVA – Universidad de Deusto (Spain)

Shakira in the Castle: Curating identities through game-making – BRUNO DE PAULA – UCL Institute of Education (United Kingdom)

Critical participatory culture: media education via hybrid digital production activities – DAVID GONZÁLEZ-HERNÁNDEZ – Texas A&M International University (United States)

The experience of producing videos with cell phones in a public school according to the perspective of media skills indicators – LEYBERSON PEDROSA – UNESP (Brazil)

New narrative puzzles: relationships between transmedia and game design – DURGAN A. NALLAR, SOFÍA B. ÁLAMO, VALERIA DRELICHMAN, FACUNDO COLANTONIO – Universidad Maimónides (Argentina)

Book Trailers and the Development of the Literary Competence in Initial Teacher Education – CRISTINA ALIAGA, ANA MARÍA MARGALLO – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)












Innovative Practices Session IP1 – Transmedia Education & Social Action

Digital Citizenship Education with very young children in Portugal – VITOR TOMÉ, BELINHA DE ABREU. CIAC – Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)

Transmedia Education: students’ connection and multiplatform communication projects in Brazil and East Timor – GEANE ALZAMORA, LORENA TÁRCIA, LUCIANA ANDRADE – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Centro Universitario de Belo Horizonte (Brazil)

KA TEN DOKUMENTU – An exploratory empirical research on students generated content : the case of Communication and Multimedia students of the University of Cape Verde on criolo identity – ÁLVARO PATRICIO ELGUETA RUIZ, JOSÉ AUGUSTO ABREU FERNANDES – University of Cape Verde (Cape Verde)

SCEDX- Smart City Educational Xperience – MIQUEL NAVARRO – Warks (Spain)

The interactive documentary as a project-based learning initiative to work on civic values – VALENTINA MORENO ZAMBRANO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)












Innovative Practices Session IP2 – Learning about Media

Responses of five European countries secondary school students’ to a regional film literacy course – MARÍA T. SOTO SANFIEL, ISABEL VILLEGAS-SIMÓN, ARIADNA ANGULO-BRUNET – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Digital and media revolution: a new form of knowledge, a new issue for citizens, a new stake in learning – CAROLE HELPIQUET – CLEMI (France)

Student-Generated Content: A Case Study from Estonia – MARIELL RAISMA – Tallinn University (Estonia)

Cibermentors network: a peer to peer project for secondary schools in the Balearic Islands – AJO MONZÓ ALMIRALL, MAGDALENA SOLER, ANTÒNIA MUNAR GOMILIA – IBJOVE (Spain)

Transmedia and journalism: three case in higher education in Ecuador – PABLO ESCANDÓN MONTENEGRO – Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador)

Transmedia Journalism-Communication and Design Thinking – ANA SERRANO TELLERÍA. Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (Spain)






WORKSHOP W1 – En busca de la competencia crítica en el aula. Narrativa transmedia de origen literario  – MARCELA FRITZLER – Instituto Cervantes de Tel Aviv (Israel)

WORKSHOP W2 – Booktube para todos: ¿cómo potenciar la lectura creativa a través de los videoblogs literarios? – JOSÉ MIGUEL TOMASENA. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain)

WORKSHOP  W3 – Diseño cooperativo de fichas didácticas para el Kit del Profesor del proyecto Transmedia Literacy – NÚRIA HERNÁNDEZ SELLÉS – Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle (Spain)

WORKSHOP W4 –  Ciberactivismo, culturas participativas y pedagogía feminista: claves para una educación transmediática – AQUILINA GUTIÉRREZ FUEYO – Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

Friday 23, March




Dialogue between Sonia Livingstone (London School of Economics, UK) and Heather Horst  (The University of Sydney, Australia): How to research media literacies? Between long and short term studies







Paper Session P3 – Methodologies & Interventions

Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality – ALICJA PAWLUCZUK, COLIN SMITH, GEMMA WEBSTER, HAZEL HALL – Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom)

Teenager practices mediated by mobile devices. Methodological challenges – PILAR LACASA, JULIÁN DE LA FUENTE, RUT MARTÍNEZ – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain)

Text Visualization as Interpretation Tool in Humanities Reading Class – LÍVIA BARTS – ELTE (Hungary)

Transmedia Literacy: A Methodological Proposal – NAIÁ SADI CÂMARA – Universidade de Ribeirao Preto (Brazil)


Paper Session P4 – Experiences: Storytelling & Education

Using Madeja to “Transmedialize” Academic Content in an Educational Setting– JAIRO ANTONIO PÉREZ RUBIO. Uniminuto University (Colombia)

Educating Palestinian Youth About Their Culture Through Collaborative Transmedia Storytelling. SOHAIL DAHDAL. American University of Shardaj (United Arab Emirates)

Transmedia Storytelling and Collaborative Culture in Higher Education – ANDREA CRISTINA VERSUTI, VICENTE GOSCIOLA, DANIEL DAVID ALVES DA SILVA – University of Brasilia (Brazil)

Digital storytelling: individual and collective procedures and discoveries – NOHEMÍ LUGO RODRÍGUEZ, MARÍA JOSÉ VÁZQUEZ DE LA MORA – Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico).

The Ancestral Letter: a transmedia storytelling proposal for Compulsory Secondary Education. – NÚRIA MOLAS CASTELLS, JOSÉ LUIS RODRÍGUEZ-ILLERA – Universidat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Facilitating English as Second Language Learning through a Transmedia Storyworld –  PATRÍCIA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ BIDARRA, AND IOANNA VRENTZOU – Universidade Oberta (Portugal).





Innovative Practices Session IP3 – Transmedia Education & Social Action

4sUStainable: A set of cooperative thinking design activities to actively engage students performance on sustainability in four European schools – JOSÉ MARÍA ARENAS, HENK MOERMAN, STEFANIA RECIHELT, THOMAS SOFIAS – Institut Joan Salvat Papasseit (Spain)

“The Center of the Memory”: Transmedia documentary as a tool for the appropriation of the territory – ALEJANDRO ÁNGEL TORRES – Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Colombia)

Youngsters iDoc Makers (YIDOCM). Youngsters, New Technologies, Media & Vet in the European Audiovisual Context – GEMMA TESO ALONSO -IES Puerta Bonita de Madrid (Spain)

The enriched reading circle: a transmedia educational experience – MARÍA LUISA ZORRILLA ABASCAL – Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (Mexico)

Youngsters iDoc Makers (YIDOCM). Youngsters, New Technologies, Media & Vet in the European Audiovisual Context – GEMMA TESO ALONSO -IES Puerta Bonita de Madrid (Spain)







Innovative practices Session IP4 – Tools and Methods

Educate through games systems for creating gamified classes – DURGAN A. NALLAR – Universidad Maimónides (Argentina)

Literature on Screen: an online platform for teaching screen adaptations of literary texts – MAARJA OJAAMA, ALEXANDRA MIYALKINA, TATJANA PILIPOVEC – University of Tartu (Estonia)


36 Coronas: a story of enigmas, love and revenge. Perspectives and foundations of an educational transmedia experience for the development of mathematical thinking –MARÍA ÁNGELES SOLETIC, SLVIA ALEJANDRA ANDREOLI, LUCÍA GLADKOFF – Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Pedagogía – CITEP (Argentina)

Developing a Transmediated Pedagogy to deliver a University Media Production Course: A Case Study – FINLAY BRAITHWAITE, MAX COTTER, MICHAEL MURPHY – Ryerson University (Canada)



WORKSHOP W5 –Los sistemas intertextuales transmedia como estrategia pedagógica al interior del aula de clase – DIEGO FERNANDO MONTOYA BERMÚDEZ – Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).

WORKSHOP W6 – Zeus de juguete. Estrategias de game design para crear universos narrativos transmedia – DURGAN A. NALLAR, SOFÍA B. ÁLAMO, VALERIA DRELICHMAN, FACUNDO COLANTONIO – Universidad Maimónides (Argentina)

WORKSHOP W7 – Disseny de continguts educatius específics per a smartphone basats en els principis formatius del disseny gràfic i la percepció – MIQUEL NAVARRO – Warks (Spain)

WORKSHOP W8  Digital Literacy and Gender Violence on the Internet – INÊS AMARAL, PATRÍCIA SILVEIRA – Universidade do Minho (Portugal)




Diálogo entre Alejandro Piscitelli (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) y Gonzalo Frasca (DragonBox/Universidad ORT, Uruguay): Rediseñar las interfaces educativas: entre la cultura maker y los videojuegos


Activity organized with the collaboration of Ateneu Barcelonès / Actividad organizada en colaboración con el Ateneu Barcelonès / Activitat organitzada amb la col·laboració de l’Ateneu Barcelonès /

Saturday 24, March



Paper Session P5 – Approaches on New Literacies

From hyperlocal television to transmedia. A case study on betevé. AÍDA MARTORI MUNTSANT. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)


Transmedial Rethoric. An introduction – JARRET JULIÁN WOODSIDE WOODS. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)

Intellectual property and transmedia informative products: A comparative, transnational and legal analysis – JAVIER DÍAZ NOCI. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain)

Critical approach to educational technology in Spanish universities – JULIO CÉSAR MATEUS, MARIA-JOSE MASANET, JOAN FERRÉS. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain)

The informal meets the formal: Portuguese outcomes of the Transliteracy research project – PEDRO MOURA, JOANA FILLOL, SARA PEREIRA. Universidade do Minho (Portugal)


Paper Session P6 – Skills I

Adolescents’ Digital Skills: The Influence of Parenting Styles– ISABEL RODRÍGUEZ DE DIOS, JOHANNA M.F. VAN OOLSTEN, JUAN-JOSÉ IGARTÚA. Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Transmedia skills, adolescents and pedagogical challenges – ROSALÍA WINOCUR, CARLOS BARRENECHE JURADO, GILBERTO EDUARDO GUTIÉRREZ. Universidad de la República (Uruguay), Pontificia Universidad Javierana (Colombia)

Transmedia study skills: reading practices among university students –  FRANCISCO JAVIER ALBARELLO. Universidad Austral (Argentina)

The Value of Expertise: Media Practices and Identity among Australian Youth – LUKE GASPARD, HEATHER HORST – RMIT University, The University of Sidney (Australia)


Paper Session P7 – Skills II

“From so much economize on education, we will be rich in ignorance”: Contranarrativas juvenis of the Brazilian student movement – ARACIELE MARIA KETZER, ROSANE ROSA. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brasil)

La familia Telerín: Connected Learning Through Transmedia– SARA CORTÉS, RUT MARTÍNEZ BORDA, JULIÁN DE LA FUENTE. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain)

Youth and Privacy of Digital Information: recognition of their techonological practices – YAMILE BECERRA. Pontificia Universidad Javierana (Colombia)

Expressing inner voices in a narrative social system: the Wattpad practices of Italian teenagers – GABRIELLA TADDEO, SIMONA TIROCCHI. INDIRE, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)

Digital Apprentices: Spanish teenagers learning to produce, manage and perform transmedia contents – MARIA-JOSE MASANET, MAR GUERRERO-PICO, MARÍA-JOSÉ ESTABLÉS. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain)


Innovative Practices Session IP5 – Teaching different subjects through media

Using digital literacy to promote physical activity among secondary education students – JOSEP BOFILL AÑAÑOS.  Universitat de Vic (Spain)

How Super Pi escaped the classroom and went back: teaching problem–solving in a CLIL elective course – MARIO FADDA. Institut Doctor Puigvert (Spain)

The Marketing Challenge: Adopting Agency and Belonging as a Strategy for Promoting Participatory and Collaborative Experiential E-Learning for Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy –KIMBERLEY McFARLAND. Bournemouth University (United Kingdom)

Towards a Transmedia Literacy approach. Preliminary views on synergistic transmedia components in an EnglishClassroom – CARLA KARINA MONTOYA. Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina)

Tumblr and Whatsapp: Extensions of the Classroom – TALVACY CHAVES. Facultade Diocesana de Mossoró (Brazil)



WORKSHOP W9 – Construcción del personaje transmedia: claves y dinámicas de generación de personajes para los formatos transmedia  – ANA SEDEÑO, CONCHA MATEOS. Universidad de Málaga/ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)

WORKSHOP W10 –Juegos de Realidad Alternativa – NOHEMÍ LUGO – Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)

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