De la web del Congreso Este evento reúne a una comunidad vibrante y global de investigadores e innovadores de medios y educación. La conferencia se organiza como parte de las actividades de difusión de la acción TRANSLITERACY H2020, un proyecto que involucra a investigadores de Europa, América Latina y Australia.
Más allá de las sesiones de trabajo y las conferencias magistrales, la Conferencia Internacional de Alfabetización Transmedia (Transmedia Literacy International Conference) incluirá talleres y breves presentaciones de líderes en innovación educativa.
El objetivo principal de la conferencia es compartir resultados y prácticas de investigación en torno a los siguientes temas:
- Transmedia literacy (Alfabetización transmedia)
- Transmedia education (Educación transmedia)
- Transmedia skills and informal learning strategies (Habilidades transmedia y estrategias de aprendizaje informal)
- Media literacy (La alfabetización mediática)
- Educommunication (Educomunicación)
- Student-generated contents (Contenidos generados por los estudiantes)
- Collaborative cultures and education (Culturas colaborativas y educación)
- Fan cultures and education (Culturas de fan y educación)
Transmedia Literacy International Conference se celebrará en el Campus de la Comunicación de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, y contará con una serie de talleres para profesores, así como dos días de sesiones de papel y un evento especial sobre Transmedia Literacy.
(Este evento ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención nº 645238)
La inscripción es gratuita y estará disponible desde el 15 de febrero en la web del congreso.
Oradores principales
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- David Buckingham – University of Loughborough (United Kingdom)
- Divina Frau-Meigs – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (France)
- Heather Horst – The University of Sydney (Australia)
- Sonia Livingstone – London School of Economics (United Kingdom)
- Alejandro Piscitelli – Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Gonzalo Frasca – Video game designer and researcher (Uruguay)
Thursday 22, March | |
08.30-17.00 |
Registration |
09.30-10.00 |
Institutional inauguration |
10.00-12.30 |
EDUxperience |
12.30-14.00 |
14.00-15.30 |
Dialogue between Divina Frau-Meigs (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France) and David Buckingham (University of Loughborough, UK): The new challenges to media literacy: fake news, post-truth and data privacy |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee-break |
16.00-18.00 |
Paper Session P1 – Transmedia skills & Participatory Cultures |
An ecological approach to media practices: the case of Spanish-language booktubers in social media – JOSÉ M. TOMASENA – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain) | |
Peruvian Youtubers and the video creation process: Evidence of transmedia competences in action – LAURA LEÓN – Universidad de Lima (Perú) | |
Tamers of the Wild: Fans’ Online Literacy and Amateur Translation – LETICIA TIAN ZHANG, BORIS VÁZQUEZ-CALVO, MARIONA PASCUAL – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain), Leticia Tian Zhang, Boris Vázquez-Calvo, Mariona Pascual. Universitat Pompeu Fabr – Barcelona (Spain), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) | |
Best-sellers of young reading: Appropiation and transmedia practices concerning written popular fiction – NÉSTOR DAVID POLO. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) | |
Collaborative and informal learning in a brony fandom – LIUDMILA SHAFIROVA, DANIEL CASSANY – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain) | |
Web series and their reinvention of classical literature: Analysing The Lizzie Bennet Diaries based on Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice – PAULA ORRITE – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (Spain) | |
16.00-18.00 |
Paper Session P2 – Experiences: Production & Education |
Creative communication and transcultural aesthetics: building cross-cultural understanding in Europe via transmedia arts – LORA MARKOVA – Universidad de Deusto (Spain) | |
– Shakira in the Castle: Curating identities through game-making – BRUNO DE PAULA – UCL Institute of Education (United Kingdom) | |
Critical participatory culture: media education via hybrid digital production activities – DAVID GONZÁLEZ-HERNÁNDEZ – Texas A&M International University (United States) | |
The experience of producing videos with cell phones in a public school according to the perspective of media skills indicators – LEYBERSON PEDROSA – UNESP (Brazil) | |
New narrative puzzles: relationships between transmedia and game design – DURGAN A. NALLAR, SOFÍA B. ÁLAMO, VALERIA DRELICHMAN, FACUNDO COLANTONIO – Universidad Maimónides (Argentina) | |
Book Trailers and the Development of the Literary Competence in Initial Teacher Education – CRISTINA ALIAGA, ANA MARÍA MARGALLO – Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) | |
Innovative Practices Session IP1 – Transmedia Education & Social Action |
Digital Citizenship Education with very young children in Portugal – VITOR TOMÉ, BELINHA DE ABREU. CIAC – Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) | |
Transmedia Education: students’ connection and multiplatform communication projects in Brazil and East Timor – GEANE ALZAMORA, LORENA TÁRCIA, LUCIANA ANDRADE – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Centro Universitario de Belo Horizonte (Brazil) | |
KA TEN DOKUMENTU – An exploratory empirical research on students generated content : the case of Communication and Multimedia students of the University of Cape Verde on criolo identity – ÁLVARO PATRICIO ELGUETA RUIZ, JOSÉ AUGUSTO ABREU FERNANDES – University of Cape Verde (Cape Verde) | |
SCEDX- Smart City Educational Xperience – MIQUEL NAVARRO – Warks (Spain) | |
The interactive documentary as a project-based learning initiative to work on civic values – VALENTINA MORENO ZAMBRANO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) | |
Innovative Practices Session IP2 – Learning about Media |
Responses of five European countries secondary school students’ to a regional film literacy course – MARÍA T. SOTO SANFIEL, ISABEL VILLEGAS-SIMÓN, ARIADNA ANGULO-BRUNET – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) | |
Digital and media revolution: a new form of knowledge, a new issue for citizens, a new stake in learning – CAROLE HELPIQUET – CLEMI (France) | |
Student-Generated Content: A Case Study from Estonia – MARIELL RAISMA – Tallinn University (Estonia) | |
Cibermentors network: a peer to peer project for secondary schools in the Balearic Islands – AJO MONZÓ ALMIRALL, MAGDALENA SOLER, ANTÒNIA MUNAR GOMILIA – IBJOVE (Spain) | |
Transmedia and journalism: three case in higher education in Ecuador – PABLO ESCANDÓN MONTENEGRO – Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador) | |
Transmedia Journalism-Communication and Design Thinking – ANA SERRANO TELLERÍA. Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (Spain) | |
WORKSHOP W1 – En busca de la competencia crítica en el aula. Narrativa transmedia de origen literario – MARCELA FRITZLER – Instituto Cervantes de Tel Aviv (Israel) |
WORKSHOP W2 – Booktube para todos: ¿cómo potenciar la lectura creativa a través de los videoblogs literarios? – JOSÉ MIGUEL TOMASENA. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain) | |
WORKSHOP W3 – Diseño cooperativo de fichas didácticas para el Kit del Profesor del proyecto Transmedia Literacy – NÚRIA HERNÁNDEZ SELLÉS – Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle (Spain) | |
WORKSHOP W4 – Ciberactivismo, culturas participativas y pedagogía feminista: claves para una educación transmediática – AQUILINA GUTIÉRREZ FUEYO – Universidad de Oviedo (Spain) | |
Friday 23, March | |
08.30-17.00 |
Registration |
09.00-10.30 |
Dialogue between Sonia Livingstone (London School of Economics, UK) and Heather Horst (The University of Sydney, Australia): How to research media literacies? Between long and short term studies |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee-break |
12.30-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
Paper Session P3 – Methodologies & Interventions |
Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality – ALICJA PAWLUCZUK, COLIN SMITH, GEMMA WEBSTER, HAZEL HALL – Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom) | |
Teenager practices mediated by mobile devices. Methodological challenges – PILAR LACASA, JULIÁN DE LA FUENTE, RUT MARTÍNEZ – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain) | |
Text Visualization as Interpretation Tool in Humanities Reading Class – LÍVIA BARTS – ELTE (Hungary) | |
Transmedia Literacy: A Methodological Proposal – NAIÁ SADI CÂMARA – Universidade de Ribeirao Preto (Brazil) | |
14.00-16.00 |
Paper Session P4 – Experiences: Storytelling & Education |
Using Madeja to “Transmedialize” Academic Content in an Educational Setting– JAIRO ANTONIO PÉREZ RUBIO. Uniminuto University (Colombia) | |
Educating Palestinian Youth About Their Culture Through Collaborative Transmedia Storytelling. SOHAIL DAHDAL. American University of Shardaj (United Arab Emirates) | |
Transmedia Storytelling and Collaborative Culture in Higher Education – ANDREA CRISTINA VERSUTI, VICENTE GOSCIOLA, DANIEL DAVID ALVES DA SILVA – University of Brasilia (Brazil) | |
Digital storytelling: individual and collective procedures and discoveries – NOHEMÍ LUGO RODRÍGUEZ, MARÍA JOSÉ VÁZQUEZ DE LA MORA – Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico). | |
The Ancestral Letter: a transmedia storytelling proposal for Compulsory Secondary Education. – NÚRIA MOLAS CASTELLS, JOSÉ LUIS RODRÍGUEZ-ILLERA – Universidat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) | |
Facilitating English as Second Language Learning through a Transmedia Storyworld – PATRÍCIA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ BIDARRA, AND IOANNA VRENTZOU – Universidade Oberta (Portugal). | |
Innovative Practices Session IP3 – Transmedia Education & Social Action |
4sUStainable: A set of cooperative thinking design activities to actively engage students performance on sustainability in four European schools – JOSÉ MARÍA ARENAS, HENK MOERMAN, STEFANIA RECIHELT, THOMAS SOFIAS – Institut Joan Salvat Papasseit (Spain) | |
“The Center of the Memory”: Transmedia documentary as a tool for the appropriation of the territory – ALEJANDRO ÁNGEL TORRES – Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Colombia) | |
Youngsters iDoc Makers (YIDOCM). Youngsters, New Technologies, Media & Vet in the European Audiovisual Context – GEMMA TESO ALONSO -IES Puerta Bonita de Madrid (Spain) | |
The enriched reading circle: a transmedia educational experience – MARÍA LUISA ZORRILLA ABASCAL – Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (Mexico) | |
Youngsters iDoc Makers (YIDOCM). Youngsters, New Technologies, Media & Vet in the European Audiovisual Context – GEMMA TESO ALONSO -IES Puerta Bonita de Madrid (Spain) | |
Innovative practices Session IP4 – Tools and Methods |
Educate through games systems for creating gamified classes – DURGAN A. NALLAR – Universidad Maimónides (Argentina) | |
Literature on Screen: an online platform for teaching screen adaptations of literary texts – MAARJA OJAAMA, ALEXANDRA MIYALKINA, TATJANA PILIPOVEC – University of Tartu (Estonia) | |
36 Coronas: a story of enigmas, love and revenge. Perspectives and foundations of an educational transmedia experience for the development of mathematical thinking –MARÍA ÁNGELES SOLETIC, SLVIA ALEJANDRA ANDREOLI, LUCÍA GLADKOFF – Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Pedagogía – CITEP (Argentina) | |
Developing a Transmediated Pedagogy to deliver a University Media Production Course: A Case Study – FINLAY BRAITHWAITE, MAX COTTER, MICHAEL MURPHY – Ryerson University (Canada) | |
16.00-20.00 |
WORKSHOP W5 –Los sistemas intertextuales transmedia como estrategia pedagógica al interior del aula de clase – DIEGO FERNANDO MONTOYA BERMÚDEZ – Universidad EAFIT (Colombia). |
WORKSHOP W6 – Zeus de juguete. Estrategias de game design para crear universos narrativos transmedia – DURGAN A. NALLAR, SOFÍA B. ÁLAMO, VALERIA DRELICHMAN, FACUNDO COLANTONIO – Universidad Maimónides (Argentina) | |
WORKSHOP W7 – Disseny de continguts educatius específics per a smartphone basats en els principis formatius del disseny gràfic i la percepció – MIQUEL NAVARRO – Warks (Spain) | |
WORKSHOP W8 Digital Literacy and Gender Violence on the Internet – INÊS AMARAL, PATRÍCIA SILVEIRA – Universidade do Minho (Portugal) | |
16.00-16.30 |
Coffee-Break |
19.00-20.30 |
Diálogo entre Alejandro Piscitelli (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) y Gonzalo Frasca (DragonBox/Universidad ORT, Uruguay): Rediseñar las interfaces educativas: entre la cultura maker y los videojuegos
Activity organized with the collaboration of Ateneu Barcelonès / Actividad organizada en colaboración con el Ateneu Barcelonès / Activitat organitzada amb la col·laboració de l’Ateneu Barcelonès / |
Saturday 24, March | |
09.30-11.30 |
Paper Session P5 – Approaches on New Literacies |
From hyperlocal television to transmedia. A case study on betevé. AÍDA MARTORI MUNTSANT. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) | |
Transmedial Rethoric. An introduction – JARRET JULIÁN WOODSIDE WOODS. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) | |
Intellectual property and transmedia informative products: A comparative, transnational and legal analysis – JAVIER DÍAZ NOCI. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain) | |
Critical approach to educational technology in Spanish universities – JULIO CÉSAR MATEUS, MARIA-JOSE MASANET, JOAN FERRÉS. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain) | |
The informal meets the formal: Portuguese outcomes of the Transliteracy research project – PEDRO MOURA, JOANA FILLOL, SARA PEREIRA. Universidade do Minho (Portugal) | |
09.30-11.30 |
Paper Session P6 – Skills I |
Adolescents’ Digital Skills: The Influence of Parenting Styles– ISABEL RODRÍGUEZ DE DIOS, JOHANNA M.F. VAN OOLSTEN, JUAN-JOSÉ IGARTÚA. Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) | |
Transmedia skills, adolescents and pedagogical challenges – ROSALÍA WINOCUR, CARLOS BARRENECHE JURADO, GILBERTO EDUARDO GUTIÉRREZ. Universidad de la República (Uruguay), Pontificia Universidad Javierana (Colombia) | |
Transmedia study skills: reading practices among university students – FRANCISCO JAVIER ALBARELLO. Universidad Austral (Argentina) | |
The Value of Expertise: Media Practices and Identity among Australian Youth – LUKE GASPARD, HEATHER HORST – RMIT University, The University of Sidney (Australia) | |
09.30-11.30 |
Paper Session P7 – Skills II |
“From so much economize on education, we will be rich in ignorance”: Contranarrativas juvenis of the Brazilian student movement – ARACIELE MARIA KETZER, ROSANE ROSA. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brasil) | |
La familia Telerín: Connected Learning Through Transmedia– SARA CORTÉS, RUT MARTÍNEZ BORDA, JULIÁN DE LA FUENTE. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain) | |
Youth and Privacy of Digital Information: recognition of their techonological practices – YAMILE BECERRA. Pontificia Universidad Javierana (Colombia) | |
Expressing inner voices in a narrative social system: the Wattpad practices of Italian teenagers – GABRIELLA TADDEO, SIMONA TIROCCHI. INDIRE, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy) | |
Digital Apprentices: Spanish teenagers learning to produce, manage and perform transmedia contents – MARIA-JOSE MASANET, MAR GUERRERO-PICO, MARÍA-JOSÉ ESTABLÉS. Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (Spain) | |
09.30-11.30 |
Innovative Practices Session IP5 – Teaching different subjects through media |
Using digital literacy to promote physical activity among secondary education students – JOSEP BOFILL AÑAÑOS. Universitat de Vic (Spain) | |
How Super Pi escaped the classroom and went back: teaching problem–solving in a CLIL elective course – MARIO FADDA. Institut Doctor Puigvert (Spain) | |
The Marketing Challenge: Adopting Agency and Belonging as a Strategy for Promoting Participatory and Collaborative Experiential E-Learning for Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy –KIMBERLEY McFARLAND. Bournemouth University (United Kingdom) | |
Towards a Transmedia Literacy approach. Preliminary views on synergistic transmedia components in an EnglishClassroom – CARLA KARINA MONTOYA. Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina) | |
Tumblr and Whatsapp: Extensions of the Classroom – TALVACY CHAVES. Facultade Diocesana de Mossoró (Brazil) | |
10.00-14.00 |
WORKSHOP W9 – Construcción del personaje transmedia: claves y dinámicas de generación de personajes para los formatos transmedia – ANA SEDEÑO, CONCHA MATEOS. Universidad de Málaga/ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) |
WORKSHOP W10 –Juegos de Realidad Alternativa – NOHEMÍ LUGO – Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) |