Poynter Institute, a global leader in journalism

Poynter Institute
Poynter Institute
Nombre Poynter Institute
Tampa Bay Times, News University
The Poynter Institute is a global leader in journalism. It is the world’s leading instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens in 21st Century democracies.
They teach those who manage, edit, produce, program, report, write, blog, photograph and design, whether they belong to news organizations or work as independent entrepreneurs. They teach those who teach, as well as students in middle school, high school and college—the journalists of tomorrow. And they teach members of the public, helping them better understand how journalism is produced and how to tell for themselves whether it’s credible.
Poynter taps into the expertise and experience of media executives, journalists, technologists and academics to answer the biggest questions around the future of journalism and democracy.
With a special focus on Fact-Checking, Ethics, Leadership, Innovation and Storytelling, we bring together Poynter faculty and industry experts to explore the intersection of journalism, technology and the public interest.

Ethics, for 40 years, Poynter has guided professional newsrooms in developing ethical principles to support journalism’s role in a healthy democracy.

Fact-Checking, the International Fact-Checking Network is a unit of the Poynter Institute dedicated to bringing together fact-checkers worldwide. The IFCN was launched in September 2015 to support a booming crop of fact-checking initiatives by promoting best practices and exchanges in this field.

Digital Tools, tools make our journalism more powerful. They unleash our storytelling potential, unlock secrets in data, and help us share stories in new and compelling. As newsroom ranks and audience attention spans shrink, tools are indispensable.

Leadership, newsroom managers are being called on to be more versatile than ever before. That’s why Poynter, with more than four decades of teaching leaders, has developed programs designed to expand every manager’s skill set — and the confidence to use those skills.

Innovation in journalism.


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Revisión Mayo 2018

Poynter Institute es un think tank que recoge la experiencia y conocimientos de todos los entes vinculados al periodismo: ejecutivos de los medios, periodistas, tecnólogos y académicos  para responder las preguntas más acuciantes sobre el futuro del periodismo y la democracia.

Una de las secciones más interesantes es la dedicada a Innovación donde se pueden leer artículos de profesionales de todo el mundo, especialmente de EEU, que explican experiencias innovadoras que están llevando a cabo en sus medios de comunicación, nuevas tendencias, etc.

Su labor formativa tiene un gran prestigio y cuentan con importantes profesionales para impartirla. Ellos mismos destacan que un gran número de premios Pullitzer tienen vinculación con su organización. La formación la imparten a través del campus News University que cuenta con gran cantidad cursos y ofertas docentes, entre ellas, numerosos webinars (seminarios online) de corta duración, unas 2 horas y con materiales complementarios, a precios asequibles,  típicamente sobre los 30 dólares.