Search engine optimization (SEO) constitutes the set of methods designed to increase the visibility of, and the number of visits to, a web page by means of its ranking on the search engine results pages. Recently, SEO has also been applied to academic databases and search engines, in a trend that is in constant growth. This new approach, known as academic SEO (ASEO), has generated a field of study with considerable future growth potential due to the impact of open science. The study reported here forms part of this new field of analysis. The ranking of results is a key aspect in any information system since it determines the way in which these results are presented to the user.
The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the relevance ranking algorithms employed by various academic platforms to identify the importance of citations received in their algorithms. Specifically, we analyze two search engines and two bibliographic databases: Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic, on the one hand, and Web of Science and Scopus, on the other.
A reverse engineering methodology is employed based on the statistical analysis of Spearman’s correlation coefficients. The results indicate that the ranking algorithms used by Google Scholar and Microsoft are the two that are most heavily influenced by citations received. Indeed, citation counts are clearly the main SEO factor in these academic search engines. An unexpected finding is that, at certain points in time, Web of Science (WoS) used citations received as a key ranking factor, despite the fact that WoS support documents claim this factor does not intervene.
Keywords ASEO; SEO; reverse engineering; citations; google scholar; microsoft academic; web of science; WoS; scopus; indicators; algorithms; relevance ranking; citation databases; academic search engines

1. Introduction
The ranking of search results is one of the main challenges faced by the field of information retrieval [1,2]. Search results are sorted so that the results best able to solve the user’s need for information are ranked at the top of the page [3].
The challenges faced though are far from straightforward given that a successful ranking by relevance depends on the correct analysis and weighting of a document’s properties, as well as the analysis of the need for that information and the key words used [1,2,4].
Relevance ranking has been successfully employed in a number of areas, including web page search engines, academic search engines, academic author rankings and the ranking of opinion leaders on social platforms [5]. Many algorithms have been proposed to automate this relevance and some of them have been successfully implemented. In so doing, different criteria are applied depending on the specific characteristics of the elements to be ordered.
PageRank [6] and Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) [7] are the best know algorithms for ranking web pages. Variants of these algorithms have also been used to rank influencers in social media, and include, for example, IP-Influence [8], TunkRank [9], TwitterRank [10] and TURank [11]. To search for academic documents, various algorithms have been proposed and used, both for the documents themselves and for their authors.
These include Authority-Based Ranking [12], PopRank [13], Browsing-Based Model [14] and CiteRank [15]. All of them use the number of citations received by the articles as a search ranking factor in combination with other elements, such as publication date, the author’s reputation and the network of relationships between documents, authors and affiliated institutions.Many information retrieval systems (search engines, bibliographic databases and citation databases, etc.) use relevance ranking in conjunction with other types of sorting, including chronological, alphabetical by author, number of queries and number of citations. In search engines like Google, relevance ranking is the predominant approach and is calculated by considering more than 200 factors [16,17].
Unfortunately, Google does not release precise details about these factors, it only publishes fairly sketchy, general information. For example, the company says that inbound links and content quality are important [18,19]. Google justifies this lack of transparency in order to fight search engine spam [20] and to prevent low quality documents from being ranked at the top of the results by falsifying their characteristics.Search engine optimization (SEO) is the discipline responsible for optimizing websites and their content to ensure they are ranked at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs), in accordance with the relevance ranking algorithm [21]. In recent years, SEO has also been applied to academic search engines, such as Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic. This new application has received the name of “academic SEO” (or ASEO) [22,23,24,25,26].
ASEO helps authors and publishers to improve the visibility of their publications, thus increasing the chances that their work will be read and cited.However, it should be stressed that the relevance ranking algorithm of academic search engines differs from that of standard search engines. The ranking factors employed by the respective search engine types are not the same and, therefore, many of those used by SEO are not applicable to ASEO while some are specific to ASEO (see Table 1).
SEO companies [27,28,29] routinely conduct reverse engineering research to measure the impact of the factors involved in Google’s relevance ranking. Based on the characteristics of the pages that appear at the top of the SERPs, the factors with the greatest influence on the relevance ranking algorithm can be deduced. It is not a straightforward task since many factors have an influence and, moreover, the algorithm is subject to constant changes [30].

Studies that have applied a reverse engineering methodology to Google Scholar have shown that citation counts are one of the key factors in relevance ranking [31,32,33,34]. Microsoft Academic, on the other hand, has received less attention from the scientific community [35,36,37,38] and there are no specific studies of the quality of its relevance ranking.
Academic search engines, such as Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic, are an alternative to bibliographic commercial databases, such as Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, for indexing scientific citations and they provide a free service of similar performance that competes with the business model developed by the classic services. Unlike search engines, bibliographic databases are fully transparent about how they calculate relevance, clearly informing users how their algorithm works on their help pages [39,40].
The primary aim of this study is to verify the importance attached to citations received in the relevance ranking algorithms of two academic search engines and two bibliographic databases. We analyze the two main academic search engines (i.e., Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic) and the two bibliographic databases of citations providing the most comprehensive coverage (WoS and Scopus) [41].We address the following research questions: Is the number of citations received a key factor in Google Scholar relevance rankings? Do the Microsoft Academic, WoS and Scopus relevance algorithms operate in the same way as Google Scholar’s?
Do citations received have a similarly strong influence on all these systems? A similar approach to the one adopted here has been taken in previous studies of the factors involved in the ranking of scholarly literature [22,23,31,32,33,34].The rest of this manuscript is organized as follows. First, we review previous studies of the systems that concern us here, above all those that focus on ranking algorithms. Next, we explain the research methodology and the statistical treatment performed. We then report, analyze and discuss the results obtained before concluding with a consideration of the repercussions of these results and possible new avenues of research.
2. Related Studies
Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, WoS and Scopus have been analyzed previously in works that have adopted a variety of approaches, including, most significantly:
- Comparative analyses of the coverage and quality of the academic search engines and bibliographic databases [42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51]
- Studies of the impact of authors and the h-index [33,44,52,53,54,55,56,57]
- Studies of the utility of Google Scholar and Academic Search for bibliometric studies [20,49,55,58,59,60,61]
However, few studies [43,62] have focused their attention on information retrieval and the search efficiency of academic search engines, while even fewer papers [22,23,31,32,33,34] have examined the factors used in ranking algorithms.The main conclusions to be drawn from existing studies of relevance ranking in the systems studied can be summarized as follows:
- The number of citations received is a very important factor in Google Scholar relevance rankings, so that documents with a high number of citations received tend to be ranked first [32,33,34].
- Documents with many citations received have more readers and more citations and, in this way, consolidate their top position [61].
Surprisingly, the relevance ranking factors of academic search engines and bibliographic databases have attracted little interest in the scientific community, especially if we consider that a better position in their rankings means enhanced possibilities of being found and, hence, of being read. Indeed, the initial items on a SERP have been shown to receive more attention from users than that received by items lower down the page [63].
In the light of these previous reports, it can be concluded that the number of intervening factors in the academic search engines is likely to be fewer than those employed by Google and that, therefore, the algorithm is simpler (see Table 1).
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