Review article: Journalism innovation research, a diverse and flourishing field (2000-2020)

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The aim of this article is to review research in media innovation through a holistic, analytical, and concise approach. Although research in journalism innovation has experienced considerable growth in recent years, theoretical, methodological, and systematic contributions have received little and fragmented attention.

Three hundred and two peer-reviewed publications, in both English and Spanish, were included in the sample. The most researched areas included diffusion theory, management, organizational culture, professional profiles, business models, genres and content, tools and technology, media labs and start-ups. Other less developed areas, such as policy, methodology, ethics, or journalism education, are also discussed. Finally, a number of proposals regarding further research on journalism innovation, considering the effect of Covid-19 on the media, are discussed.


Journalism innovation; Media innovation; Diffusion of innovation; Digital journalism; Innovation research; Distribution; Management; Organizational culture; Professional profiles; Processes; Technologies; Policies; Business models; Methodologies; Ethics; Societal impact; Review article.


The aim of this article is to review academic research in media innovation. A review article is by nature a limited and incomplete task since it is impossible to do justice to the enormous volume of academic publications in this field. The approach I adopted is necessarily holistic, analytical and concise, and aims to shed light on the evolution of research (diachronic perspective), explore the main areas of research (dialogical perspective), and propose future lines of enquiry (prospective perspective).

Although research into journalism innovation has undergone considerable growth in recent years, theoretical, methodological, and systematic contributions have received little and fragmented attention, as reflected in several literature reviews (Bleyen et al., 2014; Dogruel, 2015).

I explore in detail the growth of scientific research in journalism innovation, identifying key areas where significant progress has been made, as well as others that remain understudied. The most researched areas include diffusion theory, management, organizational culture, professional profiles, business models, genres and content, tools and technology, media labs, and entrepreneurial journalism. Other areas, such as policy, methodology, history, ethics, or journalism education –underrepresented in the literature– are also discussed.

Finally, I make some conclusions and reflections on future research in media innovation, taking into account the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on journalism. Scientific works published in both English and Spanish were included as there is a considerable body of research in media innovation in Spain and Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Portugal, to mention just a few. In this way, I hope to showcase publications in journals from the Spanish, non-English-speaking academic
world, such as Ámbitos, Brazilian Journalism research, Communication and society,, Profesional de la información, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, Miguel hernández communication journal, Observatorio (OBS*), Revista mediterránea de comunicación, Revista de comunicación, Revista latina de comunicación social, Textual & visual media,and ZER.

The most cited journals in media innovation in the English-speaking world are Convergence: the international journal of research into new media technologies, Digital journalism, International journal on media management, Journal of communication, Journal of media business studies, Journalism, Journalism & mass communication quarterly, Journalism practice, Journalism studies, New media & society, Nordicom review, and The journal of media innovations.

Books and chapters produced by publishers such as Amsterdam University Press, Edward Elgar Publishing, MIT Press, Nordicom, Palgrave Macmillan, Peter Lang, Routledge, Sage, Springer, and Wiley were also included in the sample.

The need to establish a clear definition of journalism innovation and its implications, to understand its particularities, and to explore different research traditions is not an exclusively academic requirement. In this respect, it is not surprising that many innovations are implemented in the hope of finding solutions to the problems currently facing journalism. Thus, innovation theory helps to illustrate current developments in the media sector and provides a useful framework for analyzing news organizations’ transformation and the future of journalism in an uncertain post-Covid-19 scenario.



How to cite this article

García-Avilés, José-Alberto (2021). “Review article: Journalism innovation research, a diverse and flourishing field (2000-2020)”. Profesional de la información, v. 30, n. 1, e300110.


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